Over on Steam, users are claiming that the latest re-up of The Sinking City is an old build of the game, and does not include access to DLC, post-release updates, cloud-saves, or achievements. The Sinking City would return to digital storefronts in January 2021, only to be pulled from Steam again in double-quick time. If you have played any of their previous works then a lot of the investigation elements of The Sinking City.

You're a private investigator, and you have to uncover the truth of what has possessed the city and the minds of its inhabitants. The half-submerged city of Oakmont is gripped by supernatural forces. The game was developed by Frogwares, most well known for their work on the Sherlock Holmes titles. The Sinking City is an adventure and investigation game set in an open world inspired by the universe of H.P. In October 2020, a court ruled that Frogwares had acted unlawfully in pulling the title from release. Welcome to the trophy guide for The Sinking City, an action-adventure mystery horror based on the work of HP Lovecraft. Frogwares filed suit against its publisher over a laundry list of allegations pertaining to ownership rights, marketing promises, and payment delays. Review Forum Game info The Sinking City 60 Developer: Frogwares Publisher: Bigben Interactive Genre: Adventure Release: HDD Space Required : 13.97 GB Price: 59.99 Store link.

The Sinking City – a Lovecraft-inspired period piece of madness and intrigue – was pulled from digital sale by the developer following fallout with publisher Nacon (then Big Ben Interactive). If you’re planning on grabbing The Sinking City now, then be forewarned that you might encounter a few technical issues and maybe some. Dislike ACG 785K subscribers Comments 957 the fact that you cover the mission objective to avoid any kind of spoiler shows that you are the best videogame reviewer out there. According to the Ukrainian studio, the Steam edition of the 2019 mystery horror title was not developed by them, though further details are not yet forthcoming. However, players who pre-ordered have early access already.
Developer Frogwares has put out a succinct statement asking users not to purchase the Steam edition of The Sinking City, which recently returned to the PC retail platform following a period of commotion over the title’s licensing issues.